Chut chut, pateesa! Soong me, XORNOT. Pogwa che u, hopa u!

Hey there, friends! It's me, XORNOT. Here's a program to help you!

Use this slicer to extract data from any terminal, datapad, or holo projector. Run the game above to create your own puzzle, or try some of these examples!

Tutorial 1 (level 1)

Tutorial 2 (level 4)

Challenge 1 (level 6)

Challenge 2 (level 8)

Challenge 3 (level 10)


This puzzle game uses URLs to encode puzzles and payload data. When the puzzle is solved by moving blocks to get the red block out, then the decrypted payload is displayed. 

Create your own puzzles from the menu by choosing "NEW". Give your level a title, payload, and level. It will generate a gameboard for you based on those inputs. Then share that URL with a friend and they can play the puzzle to decrypt the data you've sent.

This game was created for the Galactic Civil War Airsoft/Roleplaying Event Series but can be used by anyone.

Uses the mechanics of the classic puzzle game Rush Hour, with puzzles from Michael Fogleman. Sounds by Anatcorobo; Concept art by Cameron Seitzman.

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